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Applying Email Validation to a JavaFX TextField Using Binding

This example uses the same controller as in a previous post but adds a use case to support email validation.  A Commons Validator object is ...

Friday, September 30, 2011

Validating XML without Namespaces

In the Recordare MusicXML standard for transmitting musical scores, the toplevel elements don't use a namespace.  That is, there was no targetNamespace attribute with the xs:schema element in the XSDs.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Multiple XML Loops, Namespaces and schemaLocation with Talend Open Studio

If you have trouble working with Talend Open Studio's off-the-shelf XML components, tAdvancedFileOutputXML and tFileOutputMSXML, consider bringing in a third-party XML binding library.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

XML Output from Multiple Data Sources with Talend Open Studio

For XML documents with strong hierarchical structure, use tAdvancedFileOutputXML in Talend Open Studio  to map each source field to a target element or attribute.  If the XML document is less cohesive -- there are several data sets related only by parent -- use the tFileOutputMSXML component.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

[AUDIO] Integration Tools Podcast, Episode 37: DataFlux, Informatica, Pervasive.

Spend a few minutes a week to keep on top of the data integration tools market. Episode 37 of the Integration Tools Podcast is available. The podcast is on integration tools' product releases, research, and events. Episode 37 covers DataFlux, Informatica, Pervasive.

Integration Tools Podcast Episode 37

For more podcasts, visit http://www.bekwam.com.

Java to XML with Liquid XML Data Binder

A tutorial on creating XML from Java code using the Liquid XML Data Binder code generator
A sample XML extract is demonstrated in the Eclipse IDE.
For more information, visit http://www.liquid-technologies.com/XmlDataBinding/Xml-Schema-To-Java.aspx.

Friday, September 23, 2011

3 Ways to Call an Oracle Function From Spring

If you're working with JDBC in Spring, chances are you'll work with JdbcTemplate and the related SimpleJdbcCall.  If you need to integrate stored procedures and database functions, you can try SqlFunction or extend StoredProcedure.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

[AUDIO] Integration Tools Podcast, Episode 36: expressor. SAP. Pentaho. Informatica. DataFlux. Cloudera. FuseSource.

Spend one or two minutes a week to keep on top of the data integration tools market. Episode 36 of the Integration Tools Podcast is available. The podcast is on integration tools' product releases, research, and events. Episode 36 covers expressor. SAP. Pentaho. Informatica. DataFlux. Cloudera. FuseSource.

Integration Tools Podcast Episode 36

For more podcasts, visit http://www.bekwam.com.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

[VIDEO] An XSD in Under 3 1/2 Minutes with Liquid XML Studio

A tutorial demonstrating how to create an XSD in under 3 1/2 minutes with Liquid XML Studio.

For more information about Liquid XML Studio, visit http://www.liquid-technologies.com/xml-editor.aspx.

xsd:sequence Example with Talend Open Studio

To process an xsd:sequence of XML elements in Talend Open Studio, set the Loop XPath Query to the sequence and define relative xpaths for the remaining elements.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Lean Server Side Validation with the Play! Framework

In a previous post, I wrote about validating a Play! Framework form using flash scope variables. A downside of that approach is that extra code is needed to marshall and unmarshall the Model into these variables.  This post removes the flash variables and is dependent on only the domain object.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Server Side Validation with the Play! Framework

This post presents an example of server side validation using the Play! Framework.  A form is backed by flash-scoped objects and the validation is performed by an explicit method call on a Controller's validation object.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

[AUDIO] Integration Tools Podcast, Episode 35: FuseSource. Gluster. DataFlux. Talend.

Spend one or two minutes a week to keep on top of the data integration tools market. Episode 35 of the Integration Tools Podcast is available. The podcast is on integration tools' product releases, research, and events. Episode 35 covers FuseSource, Gluster, Talend, and DataFlux.

Integration Tools Podcast Episode 35

For more podcasts, visit http://www.bekwam.com.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Setting a Play! Framework Title from a Messages File

If you're working with Play! Framework Messages resources in Javascript, use the template tag {i18n /} to load fill a data structure with the contents of the messages file.  However, if you'd like to render a message title using the default layout, append a call to the messages.get() method.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

HandlerInterceptors with Spring 2.5+ Annotations

Use the Spring @Component annotation on Interceptor classes to make them available to a request / response chain.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Sorting a Dojo DataGrid with the Play! Framework

The dojox.grid.DataGrid widget from the Dojo Javascript toolkit will make a RESTful call in response to the clicking of a DataGrid's header.  If you're using the Play! Framework, form a JPA query from the querystring and call the Controller's renderJSON() method.  Watch for SQL injection attacks on the ORDER BY clause.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

[AUDIO] Integration Tools Podcast, Episode 34: Informatica. SnapLogic. Syncsort. Calpont. DataFlux.

Spend one or two minutes a week to keep on top of the data integration tools market. Episode 34 of the Integration Tools Podcast is available. The podcast is on integration tools' product releases, research, and events. Episode 34 covers Informatica, Queplix, SnapLogic, Syncsort, Calpont, and DataFlux.

Integration Tools Podcast Episode 34

For more podcasts, visit http://www.bekwam.com.

Using a WYSIWYG Dojo Editor in a Play! Form

This post contains declarative code for integrating the Editor Dijit from the Dojo Toolkit.  The code declares an Editor Dijit on a <div> element, submits the content via a hidden <textarea>. and mediates the two elements with an onChange() handler.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Basic Spring 3.0 Build Path for Eclipse

I'm converting a Spring 2.0 project to 3.0 and trying out the @Service, @Component and @Autowired annotations in place of the XML descriptors.  This screenshot shows an Eclipse build path for the basic IOC setup used with an AnnotationConfigApplicationContext.

Spring Build Path
If you start with this, you'll avoid a few cycles of chasing down missing JARs.