JavaFX Tutorials


Bekwam is a Maryland (U.S.) consulting firm providing onsite or remote support for your Java-based projects.

"Since I started the company, I've noticed more and more clients preferring remote help.  There are tons of blog posts, videos, books, and formal training, but sometimes it's tough to frame what's presented with the challenge your company is facing.  Online Help for JavaFX apps uses modern coding innovations - hosted source code control, continuous integration, video conferences, UML modeling - to steer your project in the right direction without the delay and cost of travel."

Carl Walker, President
Bekwam, Inc

DM @bekwaminc, email for more info, or visit Bekwam's website at

Application Design and Coding

Carl Walker is the President and Principal Consultant at Bekwam, Inc. who builds Java apps ranging from standard Java EE to Spring to JSF to JavaFX.  Whether a Fortune 500 company or an SMB, Carl and Bekwam affiliates can help set up and implement your applications projects using the right framework for your organization and a lean design to provide integrity and management throughout the effort.


Check out the apps coded with recent versions of Java and iOS.
  • WaySimpleCaptials is an iOS US state capitals quiz available on iTunes.  The app lets you save off a list of problem capitals and builds a quiz around them.  See WSC Support for more information.
  • StudioBassist is a JavaFX demonstration that shows bass guitar fretboard and quizzes you on your knowledge of upper register notes.  See SB Support for more information.
  • Maven POM Updater is a JavaFX app that recursively bulk updates the version and parentVersion pom.xml files.  See MPU Support for more information. 

Open Source Contributions

Bekwam contributes Talend Open Studio components to the Talend Exchange.  Here is a list of some contributions.
  • tScriptRules is a Talend component that filters records based on a Javascript syntax, attaching a reason code and message to rejections.  This component was formerly called "tRules" but was renamed to avoid the conflict with TIS' tRules.
  • tScriptRulesLoad is a Talend component that works with tScriptRules to allow a set of rules to be defined and managed outside of Talend
  • The BRules routines ("Business Rules"), a convenient shorthand and validation library for Talend Open Studio expressions.  
Blogger and Twitter

Bekwam maintains this blog ( which contains technical resources for developers around the world.  The blog articles are based on real-world consulting engagements with screenshots and code samples.  The Twitter feed (@bekwaminc) broadcasts coding tips, upgrade notices, observations, and retweets too small for the blog, but can still be quite useful.


Update: January 8, 2013.  The Integration Tools podcast is on a hiatus.