Without Commons Cli
Without Commons Cli, you might do something like this to retrieve a single option from the command line or JNLP argument
public static void main(String[] args) throws ParseException {
String useHidpi = args[0];
if( StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(useHidpi, "hidpi") ) {
System.out.println("using hidpi option");
} else {
System.out.println("not using hidpi");
Commons Cli
This code considers two options: hidpi and jnlp. Neither parameter is required. Some possible calls are
$ java CliTest
$ java CliTest -hidpi
$ java CliTest -jnlp
$ java CliTest -hidpi -jnlp
$ java CliTest -jnlp -hidpi
$ java CliTest -help
The last call is important because it's often the first thing run when working with a new command.
To implement this, you add the Maven dependency "Commons Cli".
And in your code, you set up an Options data structure. Each Option object consists of the option ("help" is "-help", "hidpi" is "-hidpi"), a flag about whether or not it accepts an argument, and a message to be used in the help function.
public static void main(String[] args) throws ParseException {
Options options = new Options();
options.addOption( "help", false, "Print this message");
options.addOption( "hidpi", false, "Use high-DPI scaling");
options.addOption( "jnlp", false, "Use JNLP muffins for persistence");
CommandLineParser p = new BasicParser();
CommandLine cmd = p.parse(options, args);
HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter();
if( cmd.hasOption("help") ) {
formatter.printHelp( "CliTest", options );
if( cmd.hasOption("hidpi") ) {
System.out.println("using hidpi option");
} else {
System.out.println("not using hidpi");;
if( cmd.hasOption("jnlp") ) {
System.out.println("using jnlp option");
} else {
System.out.println("not using jnlp");;
Once the Options are setup, the String[] from main() or the Application.Parameters from a JavaFX start() are parsed. I added a HelpFormatter to provide an extra option of "-help" for the end user. Then, the CommandLine object is interrogated and my logic called.
Here are the results of some commands. First no args
$ java CliTest
not using hidpi
not using jnlp
Next, help
$ java CliTest -help
usage: CliTest
-help Print this message
-hidpi Use high-DPI scaling
-jnlp Use JNLP muffins for persistence
Only one option set
$ java CliTest -hidpi
using hidpi option
not using jnlp
Both set. This is the same output if I reverse the options "-jnlp -hidpi".
$ java CliTest -hidpi -jnlp
using hidpi option
using jnlp option
Here's a snippet of this in use in a JNLP file.
name="Maven POM Updater Application"
With a single option, args[0] is fine to interrogate. However, if you're working with Maven already, pull in the Commons Cli library for anything more than a single option. It is easy to work with the standard String array, but the simple API of Commons Cli will handle a lot of boundary cases with a minimum of impact to your project and a small learning curve.
Good poost