JavaFX Tutorials

Monday, August 1, 2011

Upgrading Talend Open Studio

To upgrade Talend Open Studio, install the new copy and import the previous version's workspace.

After installing a new copy of Talend Open Studio, copy your previous workspace.  Starting the new copy will display the following screenshot.
Importing Projects at Startup
From the Action select box, choose "Import existing project(s) as local".

In the next window, press the import multiple projects button.  Specify the older version's workspace as the root directory.  This screenshot shows the previous versions (4.2.1) workspace as the root directory.  The listed projects are to be moved over to the new version (4.2.2).

Importing Multiple Projects

Projects can also be imported outside of startup by the File > Import menu.

Component Designer
If you design custom component, remember to migrate any settings.  From Window > Preferences set the folder for the Talend Component Designer and Talend > Components tabs.

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