JavaFX Tutorials

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Configuring Google Guice

This is a simple post on configuring Google Guice.  It's referenced in some later posts that are more interesting.
Google Guice is a dependency injection framework used to wire application.


To start using Google Guice with Maven, add the following dependency to your POM.


Guice Module

Next, subclass an AbstractModule with your dependencies. For example, this file configures some constants, a pair of DAOs, and some JavaFX objects.

package com.bekwam.examples.javafx.oldscores1;

import javafx.fxml.JavaFXBuilderFactory;
import javafx.util.BuilderFactory;

public class OldScoresModule extends AbstractModule {

    final private static String MATH_RECENTERED_JSON_FILE = "/data/mathRecentered.json";
    final private static String VERBAL_RECENTERED_JSON_FILE = "/data/verbalRecentered.json";
    final private static String SETTINGS_FILE_NAME = ".oldscores";

    protected void configure() {

        String mathRecenteredJSONFile = MATH_RECENTERED_JSON_FILE;
        String verbalRecenteredJSONFile = VERBAL_RECENTERED_JSON_FILE;
        String settingsFileName = SETTINGS_FILE_NAME;




Initialize Guice

To start the dependency injection, create a Guice Injector in your main entry point. This example is a JavaFX application that creates an Injector.

    public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception {

        if( logger.isDebugEnabled() ) {

        Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(new OldScoresModule());
        // continue with start()


Apply to Objects - Direct Call

Your Injector provides you with a factory to create Guice-enabled objects. This example uses Guice to return a JavaFX BuilderFactory configured in OldScoresModule to return a JavaFXBuilderFactory object. GuiceControlFactory is a class that doesn't require an explicit binding. Guice understands the to get() a GuiceControlFactory means to return an object of that class.

         FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader(getClass().getResource("/fxml1/MainView.fxml"),

Apply to Objects - @Inject

Generally, you should wire your objects in this manner: using the @Inject annotation with an optional @Named to differentiate similarly-typed objects. This snippet is a member definition in a called MainViewController which is instantiated by the Guice-backed JavaFX ControllerFactory.

    private SettingsDAO settingsDAO;

Another example adds the @Named annotation. There are several String objects loaded by Guice and Guice cannot differentiate them based on type alone.

    private String mathRecenteredJSONFile;

Both of the injections produce objects that can be used throughout the classes' methods as they are available after the object is constructed. A special provision is needed if a constructor requires the value.

JavaFX Integration

When you're using FXML, FXMLLoader needs a factory to produce objects. Google Guice can be this factory. All you have to do is provide JavaFX with a handle to an Injector. In "Apply to Objects - Direct Call", you saw the Injector getting a Guice-enabled controller factory. This is the class referenced in that section. Nothing needs to appear in the Guice AbstractModule.

package com.bekwam.javafx.guice;

import javafx.util.Callback;

import javax.inject.Inject;

public class GuiceControllerFactory implements Callback, Object> {

    Injector injector;

    public Object call(Class param) {
        return injector.getInstance(param);

Very simple

Dependency frameworks are important and can be deployed with a minimal footprint.  Guice is a 700k pair of JARs (including the javax.inject annotations).  Compared with other frameworks, that's a low download time, small diskspace usage, and reduced amount of JNLP and code signing.

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