App Showing a Bound Add Button and Filter TextField |
This video shows a TableView add operation and a filter operation. The + Button adds rows to the TableView. The Filter TextField restricts the rows presented to the user.
In the video, adding text to the TextField -- in advance of executing the filter -- will disable the Button. This is because my add operation is producing a template row that will likely be filtered by the criteria. Rather than have the add operation appear to have no effect, I coerce the user into removing the filter.
btnAdd is the + Button and tfFilter is the filter TextField. To link them, I add the following line in my @FXML initialize() method.
btnAdd.disableProperty().bind( tfFilter.textProperty().isNotEmpty());
If you're coming from a Swing background, JavaFX binding is a new and powerful concept. Simple declarative statements replace Listeners as a way to link UI components together. The rich set of methods available to JavaFX properties allows for complex expressions. In this example, I bound the String contents of a TextField to the on/off disable switch of a Button, removing the need for me to unpack, interrogate, and set the properties by hand in a Listener.
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