The following code will throw an exception if the resource is not on the classpath
Image badImage = new Image("images/NOTFOUND.png");
A stack trace will look something like this
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid URL or resource not found
at javafx.scene.image.Image.validateUrl(
... 11 more
Similar code using an absolute URL will fail without throwing an error. If using an ImageView, this results in either a blank area where the images should be shown or nothing, depending on the container.
For example,
Image missingImage = new Image("", false);
Will not throw an Exception.
The Image class has several properties that are activated when the background loading flag is set. These properties are
- progressProperty
- errorProperty
- exceptionProperty
progressProperty reports a double value of the percent complete of the Image load operation. errorProperty is a boolean flag indicating that the background load operation failed. exceptionProperty is set with errorProperty but contains the detailed.
Output from a progressProperty listener looks like
progress=0.20136880663196452 progress=0.30855986119144013 progress=0.4566223250433777 progress=0.6046847888953152 progress=0.7527472527472527 progress=0.9008097165991903 progress=1.0
Output from listeners on errorProperty and exceptionProperty looks like
exception=class java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException, error=true
Unless you are writing sample code, it is best to use the background loading flag with Images to make sure that you're handling the not found or other error correctly. Background loading is less important with Image code you ship yourself -- say in an /images folders in a JAR -- because you won't face an unreliable network, can test those images beforehand, and are already provided an IllegalArgumentException. Large images may need it however.
The demo program used in this article follows.public class NotFoundHandlingApp extends Application { @Override public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception { Image goodImage = new Image("", true); goodImage.progressProperty().addListener((obs,ov,nv) -> System.out.println("progress=" + nv)); ImageView goodImageView = new ImageView(goodImage); Image missingImage = new Image("", true); // not called missingImage.errorProperty().addListener( (obs,ov,nv) -> System.out.println("error=" + nv) ); // not called also missingImage.exceptionProperty().addListener( (obs,ov,nv) -> System.out.println("exception=" + nv.getClass() + ", msg=" + nv.getMessage()) ); ImageView missingImageView = new ImageView(missingImage); VBox vbox = new VBox(goodImageView, missingImageView); Scene scene = new Scene(vbox); primaryStage.setScene( scene );; } public static void main(String[] args) { launch(args); } }
This article provides valuable insights into JavaFX image handling! With reliable hosting solutions like NinzaHost, developers can easily manage and troubleshoot image errors in their applications.