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Saturday, May 26, 2012

[AUDIO] Integration Tools Podcast, Episode 63: Oakland Software (Interview). SnapLogic. Talend. Pentaho.

This week, the Integration Tools Podcast has a special interview with integration tool vendor Oakland Software.

Francis Upton is the President and CTO of Oakland Software.  Oakland Software makes the Oakland Data Transformer, or ODT, which includes an Eclipse-based designer and runtime that is integrated with Apache Camel (Talend ESB), the Mule ESB, and Java. 
For free downloads of ODT’s designer product and evaluation copies of the runtime, visit or email
Spend a few minutes a week to keep on top of the data integration tools market. Episode 63 of the Integration Tools Podcast is available. The podcast is on integration tools' product releases, research, and events. This week covers Oakland Software, Talend, and SnapLogic, and Pentaho.

Integration Tools Podcast Episode 63

For more podcasts, visit

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