JavaFX Tutorials

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A Simple Order Processing Web Service with Sparx Systems EA and Talend

This is a four-part video series that creates a simple web service using the modeling tool Enterprise Architect from Sparx Systems and the ESB version of Talend Open Studio.

svOrder is a simple order processing web service that writes a record to an RDBMS table and returns the auto-generated ID to a calling client (consumer).  This video series shows an implementation of service and consumer programs using Talend Open Studio for ESB.  The implementation is built based on an existing contract developed in Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect (EA).

Part 1 : Walkthrough

This video shows some of the modeling features in EA and runs the service/consumer pair in Talend Open Studio.

Part 2 : Service

This video implements a web service based on an existing WSDL.  The web service implementation writes to a SQL Server table and outputs the auto-generated ID back to the calling consumer.

Part 3 : Consumer

This video implements a web service consumer based on a service created in Talend Open Studio (for ESB).  The consumer calls the web service with some hardcoded data provided by a tFixedFlowInput.

Part 4 : WSDL

This video demonstrates physical database modeling and WSDL modeling in Sparx Systems EA.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Carl, I have a 1 query

    i want to generate kafka log file by using kafka appender in talend log4j.xml file. If job is failed like ( Fatal, error, warnnig etc..) then i want to email that "Fatal Error" to different recepient by using tsendmail component... Please help me out of this and how to do this in talend...If it possible pls provide the videos also....

    I have learnt so many things in your blog....Thanks in advance.....

    Mahesh krishna
